Frequently Asked Questions

Is Vole King hard to install?

Vole King was designed to be extremely user friendly and effective. Our product is manufactured from stainless steel mesh which will not rust.  The wire mesh bends and molds easily to what ever plant root ball you are installing and insures a layer of protection against voles.  Vole King comes prepackaged to the desired size of each pot you are installing.  The product is already rolled down, so all you do is take your plant out of the container, roll up Vole King around the root ball, install plant in to potting hole, and forget about voles for a life time.

Why should I use Vole King rather than repellents and soil amendments?

Vole King was designed to be a one time solution for Voles. The stainless steel mesh will allow roots to grow through, but stop the Voles in their holes. Vole King provides year round protection without repeated applications of repellent. This not only saves money, but elimininates the need for routine applications. Vole King also eliminates the use of heavy soil amendments that requires labor intensive tilling and cultivating into the soil. Vole Kings are feather light and extremely flexible. They easily form to newly purchased container plants or existing transplants. Vole King allows Voles to live in harmony with the landscape without damaging your plants.

What are Voles and where are they?

Voles are a small rodent, brownish gray in color and mouse like with a shorter tail and stout body. Voles are found in wet and dry areas of the U.S. Vole colonies build their nest underground in the top 12" of sub soil. If you see the presence of vole activity or a single vole, that means there is the potential for dozens to hundreds more present in your landscape.

When are Voles actively feeding or easier to find?

Vole colonies feed 24 hrs a day and rest in between feedings. Voles are not known to hibernate, so 365 days a year of damage adds up. Spring and Fall are typically the best times to locate vole tunnels and tracks. Voles can have from 1-5 litters per year. Each litter may contain from 4-6 babies.

What do Voles Eat?

Voles eat a variety of vegetation in landscapes. The main source of food comes from plant crowns, roots, and grass. They also eat a variety of seeds, fruit, and bulbs. Voles eat what they find during their tunneling. They will pull in the roots of plants and feed on the crowns of plants once they are reached until the plant falls over and dies from below. Vole damage is crippling to the plants they find. Voles that are feeding and sharpening their teeth on your plants eventually girdle trees and shrubs to their death. Voles attack the plants once they find it by chewing around the bottom of the plants crown(part of plant where stem stops and roots start) and root system from directly under the plant or near the crown just below the surface in the top 1-3" of soil/mulch.

Why is preventing voles in my landscape important?

Vole tunnels cause a visual displeasing look to turf and mulch beds. Vole damage not only looks bad, but will cost you $$$ replacing expensive plants and flowers constantly. Vole damage destroys roots, flowers, bulbs, and turf. Voles do not go away unless they run out of food and limiting their access to food will drive them out.

I have Voles in my landscape. What else are they doing that I can not see?

Voles largest damage comes from attacks under ground and you typically will not know they are their until plants begin to fall over. Healthy plants are slowly eaten from below and when the crown/root system is destroyed, the plant will fall over and expose the damage. This also means that they have reproduced and now you have multiple colonies of voles feeding and damaging your beautiful landscape 24hrs a day. If the Voles are not treated immediately, all of your plants are at risk of damage and destruction.

Do Voles carry insects?

Another major problem with Voles and their tunnels are all the insects they carry and transport through their tunnels. These insects ride on the Voles and can contribute to these pests infesting your home, business, and pets. The most common insects found on voles are ticks, fleas, mites, and lice. This is another reason to stop allowing the Voles an active feeding ground and limit their food sources so they move on.